George Vickers and Barney

George Vickers and Barney
George Vickers and Barney

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

World Problem Solvers

World Problem Solvers

We are a group of neighbors who sit together most weekday mornings, bloviate, cogitate, and ruminate about the past, present, and future. All told, we can say, without being challenged, that we have "been there, done that, know how, and can do."


We have been meeting for over two years and, frankly, the world is still in a mess. Today Trump was indicted for his removal of classified documents from the White House. Biden has been kowtowing to the Woke crowd. Putin is continuing his barbaric invasion of Ukraine. The left and right are no closer together. Rick Warren has been kicked out of the Southern Baptists because he endorsed women clergy.
With all of the unrest and disagreement around us, we can still sit together, discuss, agree, and disagree; but still be friends and neighbors. That, my comrades, is the way the world should operate.



 Takeaway for today: Get your chips off your shoulders before you get on the porch.
There were 3 sparrows in the barnyard feasting on a cow pie. The sparrows got their fill and flew up to the pump handle.  After resting for a while the first sparrow flew off and kaboom!! -- blew all to smithereens. 
The second sparrow flew off the pump handle and kabooom!! -- blew up. Same thing for the 3rd sparrow. And the moral of the story is -- Don't fly off the handle if you're full of crap.