George Vickers and Barney

George Vickers and Barney
George Vickers and Barney

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt
A local church has an active outreach ministry which includes an after school mentoring program for elementary age students. During Holy week the Senior Pastor and volunteers decided that the leftover eggs from the previous week’s Easter Egg Hunt could be used to provide a fun time for the kids after they had finished their homework. The Senior Pastor and volunteers hid over 100 eggs in the church courtyard for the 6 elementary students to find.
The Senior Pastor left the group to go teach an adult Bible Study class. A few minutes later the sky started clouding up and rain began to threaten. The Associate Pastor decided to move the hunt from the outdoors into the sanctuary. The Associate and the volunteers hid the eggs and when the kids’ homework time was finished they gathered for the hunt. The Associate instructed the kids that they could each find15 eggs and that was all that they could have.
The Associate wanted to be fair to all by limiting the number of eggs that each could find to 15. The egg hunts that I remember would have resulted in some kids getting 20 eggs and some getting 10 and the adults holding a few eggs back so that everybody got some. If there were a slow child, an adult could always be counted on to give them a little assist in order to level the playing field.
It occurs to me that this is the way socialism works. With the best of intentions, socialists want everyone to have the same. What we observe is that the mad scramble to get eggs is reduced to lethargy because all will receive the same regardless of their initiative. When those who produce the most are rewarded the same as those producing the least, then there remains no incentive for effort.